3354cc金沙集团(中国)品牌公司-Ace Club

Code management

A unified coding system is adopted to reduce the difficulty of the supply chain; a unified interface is provided to fully meet different front-end application scenarios and business needs, and a more flexible and safer coding scheme is designed.

  • Combined with the best practices in the industry, according to product status and business characteristics, establish an overall unified plan for ID codes (status and code life cycle, which not only satisfies existing applications, but also supports future new technology expansion;

  • The online code assignment system is equipped with an early warning and rejection device, and there are no duplicate codes and missing codes. The anti-counterfeiting code can be generated by random matching from the database, and there are no rules to follow, realizing the independence of the anti-counterfeiting code;

  • It can realize multi-level code assignment control, and manually or fully automatically process the data of all levels of code to meet the needs of enterprises in different scenarios.

Data security management

Provide customers with financial-level security, six security systems, and sustainable platform-based data security products, providing enterprises with more convenient and reliable technical means.

  • Coding security: coding scheme security, coding transmission security, coding verification security

  • Identity security: anti-transfer, anti-attack, anti-duplication

  • Data security: data confidentiality, data integrity, data availability, data backup system

  • Information system security: identity authentication, login control, session control, accessed object control, transaction reminder, transaction repeated submission control, asynchronous transaction processing, transaction data non-repudiation, monitoring and auditing;

  • Network and physical security: authentication system, firewall, antivirus system, intrusion detection system, vulnerability scanning system, security audit system, VPN system;

  • Safety management system: safety and confidentiality system, separation of digital production and use, data transfer management, logo production supervision, logo registration system, invalid logo destruction system, regular inspection system

Production line coding

15 major industries, thousands of customers' tens of thousands of production line transformation practices, accumulated solutions and on-site experience to deal with various complex situations, and cooperated with ISO quality control to provide customers with timely and worry-free services.

  • According to mature coding technology, combined with the characteristics of product packaging, design coding solutions of different types and uses to meet the application needs of enterprises in different scenarios;

  • Support multi-type coding, multi-type data acquisition equipment, compatible with manual, low-speed and high-speed production lines, with huge data throughput capacity;

  • The data code collection and association system of each packaging level in the outsourcing workshop links realizes data aggregation, completes the association between codes and product information, and data activation;

  • Realize the interface scheme, connect with the line control linkage and enterprise information system, etc., and have the ability to standardize construction and localized services;

  • According to the execution and tracking of the production plan, the real-time production of Kanban, the statistics of material consumption data, the monitoring of the production status, and the summary of the data on the production line to achieve statistical analysis, tracking and monitoring;

  • Through reasonable selection, modularization and more detailed design, the collection and associated equipment has full compatibility, stable use, easy to use and flexible, ensuring data validity and accuracy of associated data.

Quality inspection

It can provide a more efficient, low-risk, and reliable production line coding and packaging collection system, which needs to eliminate various associated errors caused by inconsistent collection objects, with high stability, ease of use and compatibility.

  • Visual inspection: a visual inspection system, which can realize the presence or absence of content recognition, OCR character content recognition, dynamic QR code recognition and other functions, and upload it to the cloud for data synchronization while scanning and recognizing;

  • Defect rejection: If the product conveyed on the automated production line fails to pass the identification, it will transmit a signal to the rejection mechanism, and the rejection mechanism will execute the rejection, record and associate it with the system;

  • Production process barcode traceability management: According to the production task list, the key production process is collected and scanned at a fixed point, and the production team, process, product, batch number, quantity, operator, operation time and other information are collected;

  • Whole-process traceability management: Track each key accessory and product from materials, materials, key production processes, product packaging, product warehousing, sales and distribution processes, and record relevant management information in real time through collection and scanning.

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  • 我公司与3354cc金沙集团持续在产品追溯体系搭建、产品流向信息追踪及终端扫码营销等方面建立了稳定的合作关系。合作以来,我司感受到了3354cc金沙集团从技术人员到心业务人员的专业和职业精神。在项目进程当中,一直秉持着主人翁意识,多方配合从不推脱,以主人翁的角度协调和帮助各方配合全力高效完成项目计划并交付...

  • 3354cc金沙集团搭建的二维码平台和提供的服务对我公司产品晶牌保护、消费者扫码验真、以及渠道管控,起到了非常积极的作用,感谢贵公司对我公司一直以来的支持。在此,我公司着重表扬3354cc金沙集团的安宫牛黄丸项目组人员,包括销售人员、售前人员、技术开发、实施人员以及售后人员,他们工作高效、担当、踏实,对我司提出的疑问耐心解答,积极解决问题,为我司节约成本。

  • 我公司与3354cc金沙集团多年的合作中,3354cc金沙集团表现出了其在防伪防窜、溯源营销领域的高度专业。业务人员具备专业素养,服务态度好,沟通及时,能够站在企业的角度想问题,在供货及时、交付质量和售后服务方面均可达到我公司标准。产品外观设计合理,性能稳定,解决了我们原来存在的诸多问题,对企业生产经营提供了很多帮助。3354cc金沙集团是我们值得信任的合作伙伴,希望在今后能与3354cc金沙集团展开更加深度的合作。

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